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B2B Sales Tips

Here at SalesHive, we believe in sharing what we’ve learned so that you can excel right alongside us. Read through some of our recommended tips to bolster your business.
B2B Cold Calling Script Image

Let rejection motivate you. Keep a positive attitude, pick up the phone and continue learning from your mistakes.

Calculate how many calls you need to make to hit your goals.

Write an outline of what you want to say on a call.

Live at the intersection of quality & quantity.

Follow your scripts like an actor, NOT like a robot.

Focus on immediate learning, NOT immediate sales.

Embrace rejection, don’t run from it.

Always try to set the follow up meeting while you're still on the call or in person.

Address all your prospects objections before they ask them.

Invite as many decision makers to your first meeting as possible.

Try to avoid sending out a proposal after the first meeting.

Never do outbound from your main company domain.

Include salaries and technology costs when calculating your cost per meeting.

Never stop A/B testing email copy. The variations improve your email deliverability.

Use meetings / opens ratio to calculate the true effectiveness of your email copy.

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AI Email Customization

Use our eMod customization engine to make emails more engaging and highly customized. Use public information about the prospect and company to send hyper-customized emails.