Read Our B2B Cold Calling Guide And Get Better Calling Results

Explore our B2B Cold Calling Guide to help you become a B2B cold calling expert and expand your sales development success!
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Explore The SalesHive Cold Calling Guide

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Before you can improve your cold calling efforts, it’s important to benchmark the ROI of your existing calling efforts. We’ve created a handy calculator that you can use to figure out where you currently stand and then you’ll learn about industry-tested methods to boost your KPIs.

A single SDR working full time can make 8,400 cold calls per month which will result in about 432 conversions per month. More conversations lead to more meetings per month, and more meetings will increase the number of closed deals per month.
View Part 1


Cold calls are far from dead– many businesses use this technique in some capacity, though the intention is certainly different from what it was back in the day.

Originally, the technique was solely a sales technique that had a whopping 2% success rate and annoyed an entire generation of consumers. Now, many would think that the technique is dead, but that’s not the case. It has simply evolved in both technique and purpose. Rather than aggressively trying to close a sale in a ten-minute phone conversation, today’s brands can use cold or warm calling to get to know consumers.

View Part 2


A core attribution to a business’s success is to be financially strategic, in other words, if they already have a system going there may be some friction with talking them into trying something new. You are providing something these people need, resistance is typically caused by natural tendencies to stick with what you know.

It’s going to be very common that you are going to be experiencing a fair share of objections. Objections are not NO’s. If you get an objection- they haven’t hung up on you yet, so they’re still listening and hoping for you to overcome!

View Part 3

Cold Calling Blog Posts

Mastering the Art of Cold Calling in 2024

As we usher in another promising year, it is the perfect opportunity to redefine your sales strategies. An established technique that has withstood the test of time, continuously improved, and shown a significant success rate is cold calling. With this in mind, we are keen on outlining the effectiveness of cold calling in 2024, an […]

Revitalizing Sales Strategies: Integrating Voicemails Unlocks New Opportunities

The sales universe is a constantly fluctuating space, brimming with the possibility of expansion and new avenues for growth. As a tireless crusader for innovative solutions at SalesHive, a pioneering B2B cold-calling agency based in the U.S., we invite you to explore an often disregarded, yet powerful tool in sales communication—voicemails. There's a prevalent misconception […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Sales Cold Calling: Tips to Boost Efficiency and Minimize Time Loss

Welcome to an in-depth view into the fascinating, complex world of sales cold calling. This comprehensive guide is brought to you by us at SalesHive, your leading experts in B2B lead generation and sales cold calling practices. As the landscape of B2B lead generation becomes exceedingly competitive, are there strategies and techniques sales teams can […]

A New Era of B2B Sales: Optimizing Success with Remote SDRs and Comprehensive Strategies

In the hyper-competitive terrain of B2B sales, pioneers meticulously strategize and developed fresh techniques to stay ahead of their rivals. A key element in many modern strategies is the utilization of remote Sales Development Representatives (SDRs), an evolutionary method that has been expertly embraced by us here at SalesHive, a distinguished US-based B2B cold calling […]

Decoding the 'Cold Calling vs Email' Dilemma: A Deep Dive into SalesHive's Proven B2B Sales Strategy

An Overview of the Topic at HandAt SalesHive, we consistently provide unrivalled service and unparalleled knowledge to an industry filled with challenges and opportunities. Our core offering, a seamless exploration of the oft-debated 'Cold Calling vs Email' quandary, provides invaluable insights and a deep understanding of the advantages each presents. With a wealth of experience […]

Unraveling the Intricacies of Cold Calling Voicemails: A Deep Dive into SalesHive's Proven Strategies for Success

In the highly competitive realm of sales, wielding an effective cold calling voicemail can be likened to having a secret weapon in your arsenal. In a world where cold calling represents a unique opportunity to convert missed connections into compelling invitations for meaningful business exchanges, it is essential to master the fine art of leaving […]


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