When you are going after a small list of top targets, the best way to get their attention is to start your campaigns off with a custom gift or handwritten letter.
Flatter Your Top Prospects with Custom Gifts and Handwritten Letters
Our approach to B2B direct mail prospecting isn’t your standard snail mail brochure, but rather a highly strategic touch used to convert meetings with those hard-to-reach buyers. By sending thoughtful gifts such as wine, cookies, and travel pillows as well as handwritten cards to select prospects, we’ve been able to book meetings with C-Level executives at some of the largest companies in the world with our B2B direct mail services when standard outbound channels like cold calling and cold email just didn’t cut it.
We take care of everything from identifying the prospect, selecting the gift and message, fulfilling the order, and shipping it. Once the gift arrives at their office, we follow-up to lock down the meeting and get your sales reps in touch with buyers that are excited to meet.
Book meetings by sending follow up messaging requesting sales meetings.
Key Aspects To B2B Direct Mail Marketing
We’ve seen meeting rates north of 30% and set meetings with the world’s largest companies.
Leverage Our Data Partnerships
This classy gesture makes the prospect feel your message is personalized and demonstrates that you put in your time and research.
Keep The Tone Conversational
Campaigns and copy that sound like marketing messages or something you would write for a tradeshow always fail. The tone of the copy should be genuine and feel like a personal message.
Follow Up Via Email & LinkedIn
Less than 0.2% of prospects will go out of their way to call or email you after sending a B2B direct mail package. You need to send a follow up email or phone call in order to get them to respond.
Some Of Our Best Performing Direct Mail Items
Coffee Gift Cards
Although you’re not in the same city, it doesn’t mean you can’t buy prospects coffee.
Wine Bottles
Most executives have enough coffee, that’s why they prefer a bottle of wine.
Boxes Of Cookies
One thing executives like better than wine and champagne is a delicious box of cookies.
List Building Checklist
Building a comprehensive targeted contact list takes talent, experience and precision.
Our List Building Methodology
Most companies stop after the first step, but perhaps the most important step is to figure out what contacts are missing from your list and then put in the effort to get their contact info. Since these are the contacts missing from the data providers, they are contacted less frequently and are more likely to reply to cold outreach.
Find existing contacts in our database providers
Figure out what titles and positions are missing
Research team searches for missing contacts
Validate emails and direct phone numbers
B2B Direct Mail Marketing FAQs
What is a Direct Mail Marketing Company?
A direct mail company is a business that specializes in the creation and distribution of direct mail marketing materials. Direct mail companies typically offer a wide range of services, including list procurement, design, print production, and postage.
While some businesses handle their own direct mail campaigns, others outsource the work to specialist firms. There are many benefits to using a direct mail company, including access to expert knowledge and resources, economies of scale, and the ability to focus on other aspects of your business.
What is B2B Direct Mail?
B2B direct mail is a type of direct marketing that involves sending promotional materials to businesses and other organizations. It is a way to reach potential customers and clients who may be interested in what your company has to offer.
Direct mail can be an effective marketing tool if used correctly. It can help you generate leads, build relationships, and increase sales. However, it is important to understand how to use B2B direct mail before you start your campaign.
Here are a few tips to help you get started:
Plan your campaign carefully. Decide what type of promotional materials you will send and who your target audience is.
Develop a strong offer. Your offer should be something that will interest your target audience and encourage them to take action.
Create compelling content. Your content should be well-written and provide value to your readers.
Test your campaign before you launch it. Send a small test mailing to a group of people who are similar to your target audience. This will help you gauge the effectiveness of your campaign.
Track your results. Keep track of the number of responses you receive and the sales that result from your campaign. This will help you determine whether or not B2B direct mail is right for your business.
Use our eMod customization engine to make emails more engaging and highly customized. Use public information about the prospect and company to send hyper-customized emails.