10 Reasons to Consider B2B Outsourced Inside Sales

Read on to learn 10 reasons why B2B outsourced inside sales is the right move for your business.

Owning a business comes with a lot of responsibility. Finding opportunities for outsourcing can give you more time to focus on your business bottom line and handle other business development tasks that can set you apart from your competition. 

If you’re interested in outsourcing B2B sales, you’re not alone. Research shows that 25% of small and large businesses consider outsourcing for sales or marketing. This number alone shows the value of hiring sales professionals outside of your in-house staff. But what are some of the other benefits of B2B SaaS sales outsourcing?

Here are some reasons to consider hiring outside of your company for sales functions like b2b list building services:

1. Save Time

Sales efforts can take up a lot of time for your business. Between spearheading outreach, building awareness, and encouraging discovery, each step of the sales funnel requires a lot of time, patience, and action to intrigue other businesses and consumers to take the next step in your sales journey.  

When you consider B2B sales outsourcing with a company, you hand over the responsibility of analyzing audience behaviors, building landing pages, creating email campaigns, and so much more. Sales efforts become the main focus of your outsourced team, giving you more time to handle all the other tasks and nuances that come with owning a business. 

2. Get Optimal Results 

Happy professionals standing in a group

Did you know that outsourcing is 43% more efficient than using your in-house team? This means you’re making the most of your time and money to get the best results. Outsourcing your sales efforts to professionals who are solely dedicated to your sales strategy means there’s no waiting around for business and consumers to take the bait. 

In most cases, the best and most efficient sales tactic will take center stage and you can sit back and watch the leads come in. This is the advantage of outsourcing — there’s no waiting game when it comes to getting optimal results.  

3. Rely on Sales Experts 

Whether you have your own sales office with too much on their plate or you’re too busy focused on creating sales strategies on your own, outsourcing can give you a firsthand experience with professionals who are solely dedicated to your sales strategy. Gaining access to the unlimited knowledge and skills of a B2B sales outsourcing company lets you cut through the noise and focus on lead generation and lead nurturing that actually works. 

Even if you have an in-house sales team, bringing on a sales outsourcing company adds another layer of knowledge and expertise that can highly benefit your bottom line. Think about it this way: The more, the merrier. 

4. Focus on Your Craft

Sales efforts are no easy feat. When you create and maintain sales strategies on your own, you lose out on the time you would normally dedicate to doing the things you love. With more time spent taking care of the tasks and responsibilities that got you into the business in the first place, you can focus more of your time and energy showcasing your passion for the company. 

5. Rebalance Your Resources

Even if you have a full sales team, outsourcing can help your team refocus and concentrate on certain aspects of the sales funnel. In most cases, you can work with an outsourcing company that’s open to a flexible, collaborative partnership. 

That means that they won’t necessarily take over your sales team. Instead, they’ll work side-by-side with your in-house workers to bring together skills, knowledge and insight that transforms the way you generate leads and sales. 

6. Gain Flexibility in Your Workday (and Strategy)

Whether your company has been around for decades or you’re still getting your toes wet in the world of business, outsourcing sales offers massive flexibility in your day-to-day agenda. Hiring sales professionals to dominate your strategy gives you more time and ability to focus efforts elsewhere — whether it’s researching the market, developing new products or updating your current services. 

Most outsourcing companies will also offer a package deal of sorts depending on how much assistance you need with your sales strategy. This flexibility can make it easy to scale up and down when it comes to sales efforts based on the current state of your company.  

7. Minimize Sales Risk 

When a dedicated sales development team is involved in your strategy, you can expect minimum sales risk. That’s because they have the level of expertise that drives engagement and encourages closed deals. As long as you find a B2B sales outsourcing company that you trust and can show proof of their success, you can depend on them to reduce the risk involved with the sales process and bring in business with ease. 

8. Create the Perfect Sales Funnel 

Trained sales professionals live and breathe sales funnels. Instead of spending your time researching and training your sales team to create a sales funnel that works for your business, you can hire a group of experienced sales professionals who understand the exact amount of effort needed to increase sales. 

9. Gain a Return on Investment with a Development Team 

Gaining access to a team of sales reps opens you to a pool of experts — these people know exactly what they’re doing. If the price of outsourcing has you feeling a certain way about taking the next step, consider how much money you could potentially lose by not working with experienced sales professionals. 

10. Create a Sales Strategy with a Different Perspective

It’s easy to feel good about your own sales strategy when you work through it every day. But is it really putting out the results you want to achieve? Sometimes looking at your current sales efforts through a different lens can give you an entirely different perspective on your strategy. 

By outsourcing sales, you gain a viewpoint that can identify areas that need improvement and other actions that need to take place to get you the results you want. 

Group of businesspeople working in a shared workspace

Why Choose SalesHive for B2B SaaS Sales Outsourcing

At SalesHive, we want to create a seamless experience for you and your business. We consider ourselves the best, most cost effective sales outsourcing company so you can feel comfortable and confident about closing deals with our sales experts. Here’s how we set ourselves apart from the competition:

  • U.S. based representatives. Want to hire a team of professionals based in the U.S.? All of our sales development reps are located regionally so you can rest assured that your company is represented from your homeland.
  • Risk-free onboarding. Zero-risk, free onboarding isn’t too good to be true. We’ll build your playbook, scripts and targeting strategy for free when you sign on. This allows us to build trust and transparency from the very beginning of the partnership.
  • Monthly contracts. You don’t have to sign a year-long contract to get our business. We allow you to commit to a month at a time with the option to cancel whenever you want. 

This allows both parties to get familiar with each other, nail down the strategy and create the ideal messaging for marketing and sales operations. Of course, if you’re confident in our services from the start, you can sign a 6-month contract.
Take a load off of yourself and hand the sales pipeline over to SalesHive. Check out our sales solution pricing options and reach out today for more information.

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